Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Fine Line Between Co- Living And Dropping The Ball

House of Cards
Highway Driving...
My Weekend

"I didnt come here to learn your name yet it always feels the same.
 Come on
 Dont wreck this possibility"

Friday, February 28, 2014

Leaving My Future Sideways

Not feeling the greatest. Hopefully I am not catching any of these bugs going around!

"I reminder that there's something bigger than this grain of sand.
 That being better doesn't mean I am currently losing
 And this is the only heart I'll ever have."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Remember, Remember, Its All In Your Head

"They said write what you feel but all my life I've feared feeling."

I do have a lot to say of late but not enough time to say it.

"There is no remedy for love but to love more."- Henry David Thoreau
"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes."- Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, February 24, 2014

You Cant Escape Driving

"I'll throw my shoes in the back and try not to care she's been here.
 We werent always the best of friends.
 But that told me nothing.
 Should I have seen it?"

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Crafty or Clever: Life Is Too Grey Anyway

"The wildest thing about us is we dance. 
 At an age we were told to move on we wore yellow
Whats the good of letting our nose hit the ground if all it is is weight?"

A day of catching up on emails,sleep and such things. This is my most excitement, a new lanyard. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Time Benchmarks

"There's not a question in your mind
 But no relationship is perfect."

 My recurring lesson for this week: Not  everything is what it looks. People you think get on well with each other don't, relationships you think are what you want aren't. People who look like they have it together are just as lost, if not even more so.

Ps. I found batteries.

Friday, February 21, 2014

No Money for Energy

So in my plan to blog a photo a day I didnt factor in running out of batteries so soon. I hope to find some here tonight.
That being all said I am posting some pictures I took over the past two years that I like. Some were taken in Northern Ireland, some in Ireland, and some in Germany. Enjoy!

On another note... I am very happy its Friday.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


"She wrote her songs on the letters they wrote out to sea.
 For all the things that were meant to bring us together."

Today's lyrics really doesnt go with today's picture.  I just like both of them right now.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I sleep in the 80's

"I started dreaming in colour after all the words you said.
 I had thought that I had began another page.
 I had thought that I had finally what I choose."

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I like tea...alot

An almost gross look at tea with granola on the side.
An almost sad look at tea because I will be out of it soon.

Monday, February 17, 2014

"Theres this side of my heart thats poetic and green."

 A picture for day one. I got the idea for today's photo as I was sitting in a cold room reading a training manual for hours on end. My keys sat on the table I was seated at and I felt like they were a metaphor for my life at the moment.
I had woken up this morning full of excitement and ready to go but as the day went on I began to lose it. So much of me is left behind in Belfast and so much of my dreams for my future is in Europe. Is the present a key or a diversion from the past and the future? I am present and happy enough that this is my present but at the same time confused at why this is my present.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

"I see me across the room": A six word hook

I am trying to reclaim my blog or some desire to blog  and reformatting "The Leaves In My Head".
I started this blog in 2011 in hopes to document my two years as a volunteer in Northern Ireland. (see previous post) As you can see, that didnt happen and two years passed without another post. The two years were very eventful but I realized after my first post that I didnt really have the willingness to share stories that made sense outside my head. Rather I enjoyed leaving things to reader interpretation.  Ironically the name of this blog came from a song I wrote about just that. I just wasnt posting in that way.

This year is a new volunteer year in a new place, Texas and I feel I should make attempts again. This time in more my way, in pictures and song verses. Hopefully this time around I can keep it up!